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Pocket Monsters

Pocket Monsters
Anime'nin Adı: Pocket Monsters
Diğer Adları: Pokemon, ポケットモンスター
Kategori: TV Serisi
Tür: Aksiyon, Macera, Komedi, Oyun
Gönderen: logan
Resmi Sitesi: [www]
Bölüm Sayısı: 276
Yayım Tarihi: 1/4/1997 ile 14/11/2002 arası
Firma/Stüdyo: TV Tokyo, SoftX, Shogakukan
Türkiye'de: Yayımlandı
Linkler: [ANN] [ANIDB] [NFO] [1]
Genel Puan: 8.69 (İstatistikler) (Yorum Gir) (Yorumları Oku) (8 Yorum Var)
Favori: 93 üyenin favori listesinde
Giriş Tarihi: 06/05/2006
Son Değişiklik: 07/07/2006


Yönetmen: Masamitsu HIDAKA
Senaryo: Shoji YONEMURA
Animasyon: Shukichi KANDA, Youichi OTABE
Müzik: Shinji MIYAZAKI
Orjinal Eser: Satoshi TAJIRI


Eğer Pallet kentinde yaşıyorsanız, onuncu yaş gününüz çok heyecanlı geçecektir. Çünkü artık bir Pokemon Eğitmeni olmak için, Pokemon Araştırma Merkezi'ne gidip ilk pokemonunuzu alabilirsiniz.
Kahramanımız Ash Ketchum, sabah uyanamayınca gün onun için hiçte iyi başlamaz. Çünkü ilk pokemonunu Pokemon Araştırma Merkezi'ndeki Profesör Oak'tan almak için geç kalmıştı. Pokemon Araştırma Merkezi'ne gidince, ona sadece elektrikli bir fare türü olan Pikachu kalmıştı. Ash'in Pikachu'yu almaktan başka çaresi yoktu. Böylece kahramanlarımızın maceralarla dolu uzun ve yorucu yolculuğu başlamış oldu...

İlgili Haberler:

05/04/2010 - Nintendocu Pokemon Özel Sayısı
28/11/2008 - Kanal 1'de Yayınlanan Animeler
21/08/2008 - Güney Amerika'da Pokemon Tarikatı
08/03/2007 - Birinci Seiyuu Ödülleri

Bağlantılı Animeler:

Pocket Monsters: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu (Film) (1998)
Pocket Monsters: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan (Film) (1999)
Pocket Monsters: Kesshoutou no Teiou (Film) (2000)
Pocket Monsters: Myuutsu! Ware wa Koko ni Ari (TV Özel) (2000)
Pocket Monsters: Serebii Toki wo Koeta Deai (Film) (2001)
Pocket Monsters: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios (Film) (2002)
Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation (TV Serisi) (2002)
Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation: Rekkuu no Houmonsha Deoxys (Film) (2004)
Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario (Film) (2005)
Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation: Pokemon Ranger to Umi no Ouji (Film) (2006)
Pocket Monsters: Diamond and Pearl (TV Serisi) (2006)
Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai (Film) (2007)
Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl the Movie: To the Conquering of Space-Time (Film) (2009)


Pocket Monsters Pokemon ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters Pocket Monsters

Bölüm Listesi:

001. Pokemon! I Choose You!
002. Pokemon Emergency
003. Ash Catches a Pokemon
004. Challenge of the Samurai!
005. Showdown in Pewter City
006. Clefairy and the Moon Stone
007. The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
008. The Path to the Pokemon League
009. The School of Hard Knocks
010. Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
011. Charmander- the Stray Pokemon!
012. Here Comes the Squirtle Squad!
013. Mystery at the Lighthouse
014. Electric Shock Showdown
015. Battle Aboard the St. Anne!
016. Pokemon Shipwreck!
017. Island of the Giant Pokemon
018. Beauty and the Beach
019. Tentacool and Tentacruel (Yasaklı)
020. The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
021. Bye-Bye Butterfree
022. Abra and the Psychic Showdown!
023. The Tower of Terror
024. Haunter vs. Kadabra!
025. Primeape Goes Bananas!
026. Pokemon Scent-Sation!
027. Hypno's Naptime
028. Pokemon Fashion Flash
029. The Punchy Pokemon
030. Sparks Fly for Magnemite!
031. Dig Those Diglett
032. The Ninja Poke-Showdown!
033. The Flame Pokemon-Athon!
034. The Kangaskhan Kid!
035. The Legend of Dratini! (Yasaklı)
036. The Bridge Bike Gang
037. Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
038. Electric Soldier Porygon (Yasaklı)
039. Pikachu's Good-Bye
040. The Battling Eevee Brothers
041. Wake Up, Snorlax!
042. Showdown at Dark City
043. March of the Exeggutor Squad!
044. The Problem with Paras
045. The Song of Jigglypuff
046. Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon
047. A Chansey Operation
048. Holy Matrimony!
049. So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd
050. Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
051. Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden
052. Princess vs. Princess
053. The Purr-fect Hero!
054. The Case of the K-9 Capers
055. Pokemon Paparazzi!
056. The Ultimate Test
057. The Breeding Center Secret
058. Riddle Me This!
059. Volcanic Panic
060. Beach Blank-Out Blastoise
061. The Misty Mermaid
062. Clefairy Tales
063. The Battle of the Badge
064. It's Mr. Mimie Time!
065. Holiday Hi-Jynx!
066. Snow Way Out!
067. Showdown at the Poke-Corral!
068. The Evolution Solution
069. The Pi-Kahuna!
070. Make Room for Gloom!
071. Lights, Camera, Quacktion!
072. Go West, Young Meowth
073. To Master the Onixpected
074. The Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopolis
075. Bad to the Bone
076. All Fired Up
077. Round One- Begin!
078. Fire and Ice
079. The Fourth Round Rumble!
080. A Friend in Deed
081. Friend and Foe Alike
082. Friends to the End
083. Pallet Party Panic!
084. A Scare in the Air!
085. Pokeball Peril!
086. The Lost Lapras
087. Fit to be Tide!
088. Pikachu Re-Volts
089. The Crystal Onix
090. In the Pink!
091. Shell Shock!
092. Stage Fight
093. Bye, Bye, Psyduck!
094. The Joy of Pokemon
095. Navel Maneuvers
096. Snack Attack!
097. A Shipful of Shivers
098. Meowth Rules!
099. Tracey Gets Bugged
100. A Way Off Day Off
101. The Mandarin Island Miss Match
102. Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon?
103. Get Along, Little Pokemon
104. The Mystery Menace
105. Misty Meets Her Match!
106. Bound For Trouble
107. Charizard Chills
108. Pokemon Water War
109. Pokemon Food Fight
110. Pokemon Double-Trouble!
111. The Wacky Watcher
112. The Stun Spore Detour
113. Hello Pummelo!
114 .Enter the Dragonite
115. Viva Las Lapras!
116. The Underground Roundup
117. A Tent Situation
118. The Rivalry Revival
119. Don't Touch That 'Dile!
120. The Double Trouble Header
121. A Sappy Ending
122. Roll On, Pokemon!
123. Illusion Confusion
124. Flower Power
125. Spinarak Attack
126. Snubbull Snobbery
127. The Little Big-Horn
128. Chikorita Rescue
129. Once in a Blue Moon!
130. The Whistle Stop
131. Ignorance is Blissey
132. A Bout With Sprout
133. Fighting Flyer with Fire
134. For Cryin' Out Loud!
135. Tanks A Lot!
136. Charizard's Burning Ambition
137. Grin to Win!
138. Chikorita's Big Upset
139. Foul Weather Friends
140. The Superhero Secret
141. Mild 'n Wooley!
142. Wired For Battle!
143. Good 'Quil Hunting!
144. A Shadow of a Drought
145. Goin' Apricorn
146. Gettin' the Bugs Out!
147. A Farfetch'd Tale
148. Tricks of the Trade
149. The Fire-Ring Squad
150. No Big Woop!
151. Tunnel Vision
152. Hour of the Houndour
153. The Totodile Duel
154. Hot Matches
155. Love, Totodile Style!
156. Fowl Play
157. Forest Grumps
158. The Psychic Sidekicks
159. The Fortune Hunters
160. A Goldenrod Opportunity
161. A Dairy Tale Ending
162. Air Time
163. The Bug Stops Here
164. Type Casting
165. Fossil Fools
166. Carrying On!
167. Hassle in the Castle
168. Two Hits and a Miss
169. A Hot Water Battle
170. Hook, Line, and Stinker
171. Beauty and the Breeder
172. A Better Pill to Swallow
173. Power Play
174. Mountain Time
175. Wobbu-palooza!
176. Imitation Confrontation
177. The Trouble with Snubbull
178. Ariados Amigos!
179. Wings 'n' Things
180. The Grass Route
181. The Apple Corp
182. Howl of the Houndoom
183. A Ghost of a Chance
184. From Ghost to Ghost
185. Trouble's Brewing
186. All That Glitters
187. The Light Fantastic
188. UnBEARable!
189. Moving Pictures
190. Spring Fever
191. Freeze Frame
192. The Stolen Stones
193. The Dunsparce Deception
194. The Wayward Wobbuffet
195. Sick Days!
196. The Ring Masters
197. The Poke-Spokesperson
198. Control Freak
199. The Art of Pokemon
200. The Heartbreak of Brock
201. Current Events
202. Turning Over a New Bayleef
203. Doin' What Comes Natu-Rally!
204. The Big Balloon Blow-Up
205. The Screen Actor's Guilt
206. Right On, Rhydon!
207. The Kecleon Caper!
208. The Joy of Water Pokemon
209. Got Miltank?
210. Fight For the Light
211. Machoke, Machoke Man
212. Around the Whirlpool
213. Fly Me to the Moon
214. Takin' It on the Chinchou!
215. The Corsola Caper
216. Mantine Overboard!
217. Octillery the Outcast!
218. Dueling Heroes
219. The Perfect Match
220. Plant It Now... Diglett Later!
221. Hi Ho Silver...Away!
222. The Mystery is History!
223. A Parent Trapped!
224. A Promise is a Promise
225. Throwing in the Noctowl!
226. Nerves of Steelix
227. Bulbasaur...the Ambassador!
228. Espeon Not Included!
229. For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll
230. Extreme Pokemon!
231. An Egg-Sighting Adventure!
232. Hatching a Plan!
233. Dues and Don'ts
234. Just Waiting on a Friend
235. A Tyrogue Full of Trouble
236. Xatu the Future
237. Talkin' Bout an Evolution!
238. Rage of Innocence
239. As Cold As Pryce!
240. Nice Pryce Baby!
241. Whichever Way the Wind Blows!
242. Some Like it Hot!
243. Hocus Pokemon
244. As Clear As Crystal
245. Same Old Song and Dance
246. Enlighten Up!
247. Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up?
248. Wish Upon a Star Shape
249. Outrageous Fortunes
250. One Trick Phoney!
251. I Politoed You So!
252. The Ice Cave! (Yasaklı)
253. Beauty is Skin Deep
254. Fangs For Nothin'
255. Great Bowls of Fire
256. Better Eight Than Never
257. Why? Wynaut!
258. Just Add Water!
259. Lapras of Luxury
260. Hatch Me If You Can!
261. Entei At Your Own Risk
262. A Crowning Achievement
263. Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid!
264. You're A Star, Larvitar!
265. Address Unown!
266. Mother of All Battles!
267. Pop Goes the Sneasel!
268. A Claim to Flame!
269. Love, Pokemon Style!
270. Tie One On!
271. The Ties That Bind
272. Can't Beat the Heat!
273. Playing With Fire!
274. Johto Photo Finish
275. Gotta Catch Ya Later!
276. Hoenn Alone!



Son Girilen Anime Tanıtımları

1. The Boy And The Heron
2. Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi
3. I Want To Eat Your Pancreas
4. The Grimm Variations
5. Ride Your Wave
6. A Silent Voice
7. Pluto

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3. Yume no Shizuku - Ougon no Torikago
4. Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
5. Lady Victorian
6. Hadashi no Bara wo Fume
7. Anne no Aijou

En Son Yorum Girilmiş Animeler

1. Clannad After Story
2. Fullmetal Alchemist 2
3. Steins Gate
4. Death Note
5. Baccano!
6. Hellsing Ultimate
7. Himouto! Umaru-chan

En Son Yorum Girilmiş Mangalar

1. Steel Ball Run
2. Stone Ocean
3. Death Note
4. Steel Ball Run
5. Berserk
6. Kaichou Wa Maid-sama!


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