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Anime'nin Adı: InuYasha
Diğer Adları: 犬夜叉, Inu Yasha
Kategori: TV Serisi
Tür: Aksiyon, Büyü, Fantastik, Komedi
Gönderen: Ozuma
Resmi Sitesi: [www]
Bölüm Sayısı: 167
Yayım Tarihi: 16/10/2000 ile 13/9/2004 arası
Firma/Stüdyo: Sunrise
Türkiye'de: Yayımlanmadı
Linkler: [ANIDB] [NFO] [ANN]
Genel Puan: 7.17 (İstatistikler) (Yorum Gir) (Yorumları Oku) (2 Yorum Var)
Favori: 51 üyenin favori listesinde
Giriş Tarihi: 04/04/2006
Son Değişiklik: 20/03/2008


Yönetmen: Masashi IKEDA, Akira NISHIMORI
Senaryo: Akinori ENDO, Masashi IKEDA, Katsuyuki SUMIZAWA, Takashi YAMADA, Rie NAKASHIMA
Animasyon: Shinichi SAKUMA, Kazuhiro SOETA, Eiji SUGANUMA, Taka SATO
Müzik: Kaoru WADA
Dizayn: Eiji SUGANUMA
Orjinal Eser: Rumiko TAKAHASHI


Higurashi Kagome, yıllardır ailiesinin koruduğu bir tapınakta; annesi, erkek kardeşi, dedesi ve kedisiyle birlikte yaşamaktadır. Bir gün tapınakta, kedisini kurtarmak isterken bulduğu bir kuyuda, bir iblisin kendisini aşağı çekmesi sonucunda kendisini eski Japonya'da (Sengaku döneminde) bulur.

Nerede olduğunu anlayamayan Kagome, ormanda dolanırken, bir ağaca oklarla tutturulmuş olan Inu Yasha'yı bulur. Bu sırada, etraftaki köyün halkı Kagome'yi görür ve yaşlı rahibelerine götürür. Kaede adındaki yaşlı rahibe, Kagome'yi görür görmez, onun kız kardeşi Kikyo'nun reankarnasyonu olduğunu anlar ve Kagome'ye; Inu Yasha ve Kikyo'nun hikayesini anlatır.

Hikayeyi dinleyen Kagome, Inu Yasha'nın yanına gider. Bu sırada, kuyudan onu aşağı çeken yaratık ortaya çıkar ve Kagome'ye saldırır. Shikon no Tama (Jewel of Four Souls) adı verilen bir kolyenin peşinde olan bu yaratıktan kendisini kurtarması için Kagome, Inu Yasha'yı serbest bırakır. Ancak Inu Yasha'da kolyenin peşindedir ve yaratığı öldürdükten sonra Kogome'ye saldırır. Kagome, Kaede'nin yardımıyla Inu Yasha'yı sakinleştirse de Shikon no Tama'nın peşinde bir çok kişi vardır. Üstelik kazara da olsa, Shikon no Tama'nın parçaları tüm Japonya'ya dağılmıştır. Kagome, Inu Yasha ve dostları, kolyenin tüm parçalarını, kötü ellere düşmeden önce toplamak zorundadır.

İlgili Haberler:

20/07/2009 - Yeni Inuyasha Anime Serisi

Bağlantılı Animeler:

Inuyasha The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass (Film) (2002)
InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler (Film) (2003)
Inuyasha: Meguri Au Mae no Unmei Koiuta (Special) (TV Serisi) (2004)
Inuyasha: The Final Act (TV Serisi) (2009)
Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (TV Serisi) (2020)

Bağlantılı Mangalar:

Inuyasha (1996)


InuYasha 犬夜叉 Inu Yasha InuYasha InuYasha

Bölüm Listesi:

01. The Girl Who Overcame Time And The Boy Who Was Just Overcome
02. The Seekers Of The Sacred Jewel
03. Down The Rabbit Hole And Back Again
04. Yura Of The Demon Hair
05. Aristocratic Assasin, Sesshomaru
06. Tetsusaiga, The Phantom Sword
07. Showdown! Inuyasha vs Sesshomaru
08. The Toad Who Would Be Prince
09. Shippo And The Thunder Brothers
10. Phantom Showdown!
11. Terror Of The Ancient Noh Mask
12. The Soul Piper And The Mischevious Little Soul
13. The Mystery Of The New Moon And The Black Haired Inuyasha
14. Kikyo's Stolen Ashes
15. Return Of The Tragic Priestess Kikyo
16. The Mystical Hand Of The Amourous Monk Miroku
17. The Cursed Ink Of The Hell Painter
18. Naraku And Sesshomaru Join Forces
19. Go Back To Your Own Time Kagome!
20. Despicable Villan! The Mystery Of Onigumo
21. Naraku's True Identity Unveiled
22. The Soul Of Kikyo
23. Kagome's Voice And Kikyo's Kiss
24. Enter Sango, The Demon Slayer
25. Naraku's Insidious Plot
26. Secret Of The Jewel Of Four Souls: Revealed
27. The Lake Of The Evil Water God
28. Miroku Falls Into A Dangerous Trap
29. Sango's Suffering And Kohaku's Life
30. Tetsusaiga Is Stolen!
31. Jijenji, A Kind But Sad Demon
32. Kikyo And Inuyasha Are In Trouble
33. Captured Kikyo And Naraku
34. Tetsusaiga And Tensaiga
35. The True Master Chosen By The Noted Sword
36. Kagome, Kindapped By The Wolf Demon Koga
37. The Man Who Fell In Love With Kagome
38. Two Hearts, One Mind
39. Trapped In A Duel To The Death
40. The Deadly Trap Of The Wind Sorceress, Kagura
41. Kagura's Dance And Kanna's Mirror
42. The Wind Scar Defeated
43. Broken Tetsusaiga At Last!
44. Kaijinbo's Evil Sword
45. Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin
46. Juromaru And Kageromaru
47. Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Naraku
48. Return To Where We First Met
49. Kohaku's Lost Memories
50. The Face That Can't Be Forgotten
51. Inuyasha's Devoured Soul
52. The Unstoppable Demon Within
53. Father's mortal enemy, Ryuukotsusei
54. Tetsusaiga's ultimate attack, Bakuryuuha
55. Flower stones and Shippo's first love
56. The lure of beauty over the fogs
57. Everything about the night at the Dougenkyo, Part 1
58. Everything about the night at the Dougenkyo, Part 2
59. Sango's young apprentices
60. Black Miko, curse of 50 years
61. The appearance of Kikyo and the demon creator
62. Tsubaki's bottomless spells
63. The red and white miko blocking the way
64. Tahou Towers, Giant Oni!
65. Goodbye to the days of the young
66. Naraku's barrier, Kagura's decision
67. The wind of betrayal blowing out of control
68. Shippo's battle royale
69. The terror of the man with no face
70. Recovered memory, demon spiders
71. The battle of the three to the death
72. Toutusai's odd training
73. Shiori's mother and Shiori's feelings
74. The red Tetsusaiga that breaks the barrier
75. The elite cat's secret plan
76. Target is: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha
77. Hyounekozoku and the two teeth sword
78. Aiming for Sango, only you
79. Jaken's Tetsusaiga-snatching Operation
80. Sesshomaru and the abducted Rin
81. Finally Broken Naraku's Mystery
82. The Present and Sengoku Jidai's Connection
83. Girl Yorojok and the Great Promise
84. Super Speed Marriage Deal
85. Evil spirits rising, demon's severed head
86. The secret of the Emblem Lady
87. Kikyo's Silent Voyage
88. Three Spirits of the Monkey God
89. The Visitation-Confrontation Between "That Guy" and "Him"!
90. Souta's Brave Confession
91. The Mysterious Spiritualist and the Black Kiara
92. The Ambition of the Resurrected
93. The Mysterious Pervert Monk Who Comes and Goes
94. Those Who Create the Shikon no Tama (Part 1)
95. Those Who Create the Shikon no Tama (Part 2)
96. That Jaken Who Became Sick
97. Kiara Who Didn't Return
98. Just Kikyo and Kagome in a Cave
99. Sesshomaru and Kouga's Dangerous Encounter
100. Nightmare Reality: Battle in the Forest of Grief
101. Seven Years Later: Lingering Snow
102. The Wolf Tribe is Attacked by Zoombies
103. The Shichinintai, Resurrected!
104. The Poison Using Stalker, Mukotsu!
105. The Ghastly Steel-Plated Warrior
106. Kagome, Miroku, and Sango: A Desperate Situation
107. The First Time We Saw InuYasha's Tears
108. The Secret of the Unpolluted Aura
109. Approaching the misty Mount Hakurei
110. The leader of the Shichinintai, Bankotsu, makes his appearance
111. Showdown! Banryuu versus Kaza no Kizu!
112. The barrier of Hijiri Island
113. The holy dokko and the secret of the mummy
114. Kouga makes his stand
115. The Swallowed Black Light
116. The Real Face: Exposed
117. Inuyasha Disappears into a River of Flames
118. The Heart of Mt. Hakurei
119. A Divine and Malicious Saint
120. Good-Bye! A Requiem for Jakotsu
121. Duel! The Strongest and Last Shichinin-Tai
122. Powerful Banryu! The Mortal Combat in Mt. Hakurei
123. Regenerate Naraku Beyond Darkness
124. Farewell, My Lovely Kikyo
125. Darkness in Kagome's Heart
126. Change Heartache into Courage!
127. Don't Boil! The Horror Dried Youkai
128. The Dried Youkai and The Fighting School Festival
129. Cho Kyukai and A Plundered Bride
130. Roar, Shippo! - Arcanum "Kokoro no Kizu"
131. The Scroll Picture of Kannon - Cursing Traps
132. The Most Dangerous Confession of Monk Miroku
133. The Woman Who Loved Sessho-maru (the first part)
134. The Woman Who Loved Sessho-maru (the latter part)
135. The Last Banquet of Miroku's Master
136. The Bizarre Invisible Youkai Appears!
137. The Ancestor's Name is Kagome
138. Survival of the Two People in Demon Infested Lands
139. Big Duel at the Sho'Un Waterfall
140. Eternal Feelings! Halbread of the Heavens and Earth
141. The Released Demon Horse, Entei
142. Runaway Entei and Bloodcurdling Hakudoushi!
143. 3000 Leagues in Search of Father
144. Housenki and the Final Shards
145. The Bizaare Sentries at the Gate to the Other World
146. The Wild-Tempered Bird User, Abi
147. A Fateful Love Song from Before we Met (1)
148. A Fateful Love Song from Before we Met (2)
149. A Single Arrow Calling Up Trouble
150. The Light that Leads to the Saint
151. Kagome's Instinctive Choice
152. Protect and Plunder!
153. The Fate is a Cruel Reunion
154. The Demon that Links to the Other World
155. The Devil that Guards the Shikon Shard
156. Battle before the Tomb! Sesshomaru vs. Inuyasha
157. Pierce Through Naraku! Kongosoha!
158. A Stampede of Countless Demon Mice
159. Kohaku's Resolution and Sango's Heart
160. The Violent, Two-Timing Boy who brings Happiness
161. Miroku's Old Mistake
162. Together with Lord Sesshomaru, Forever
163. Sango, Kirara, Kohaku, The Secret Garden
164. Most Powerful Enemy, Parasite-Pupa Shippo!
165. The Best Clue to Defeat Naraku
166. The Two's Bond ~ Use the Shikon Shard! (1)
167. The Two's Bond ~ Use the Shikon Shard! (2)



Son Girilen Anime Tanıtımları

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2. Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi
3. I Want To Eat Your Pancreas
4. The Grimm Variations
5. Ride Your Wave
6. A Silent Voice
7. Pluto

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2. Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration
3. Yume no Shizuku - Ougon no Torikago
4. Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
5. Lady Victorian
6. Hadashi no Bara wo Fume
7. Anne no Aijou

En Son Yorum Girilmiş Animeler

1. Clannad After Story
2. Fullmetal Alchemist 2
3. Steins Gate
4. Death Note
5. Baccano!
6. Hellsing Ultimate
7. Himouto! Umaru-chan

En Son Yorum Girilmiş Mangalar

1. Steel Ball Run
2. Stone Ocean
3. Death Note
4. Steel Ball Run
5. Berserk
6. Kaichou Wa Maid-sama!


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